Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Masterpiece Living at Holly Creek Retirement Community

Time to Take Charge
By Teresa Amaral Beshwate, MPH

An author whose name is unknown to me wrote, "If there are no defined goals for improvement, then the expectation is decline." This concept is at the core of Masterpiece Living philosophy. Standing still is not possible - we are either on a path of improvement or decline, and the choice is ours each day.

The MacArthur Foundation researchers proved, over many years and with a great deal of scientific research, that it is never too late to shape your future, to be old is not to be sick, and successful aging does not depend on genetics alone. In short, research says that older adults can grow, and how successfully we age depends primarily on the choices we make today.

What choices will you make today? What change have you been thinking about making to your daily routine but just haven't taken action yet? What is your conscience saying that you ought to do this week - or better yet, your friends and loved ones?

Many residents who have participated in the Masterpiece Living Lifestyle Inventory have mentioned "It is interesting to see myself on paper" and "I know I need to...(eat more vegetables/sign up for fitness classes/stretch my muscles more often/find a new volunteer opportunity etc.) and just hadn't gotten to it yet." Participating in the Masterpiece Living Lifestyle Inventory is a unique opportunity to see where you are, compare it to where you want to be, set specific goals, accomplish your goals and re-assess in a year's time.

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